Kenneth Elvis Anewenah Foundation

Board of Trustees


Sir Fosuaba Akwasi Mensah Banahene holds a Master’s Degree in International Affairs and also a Master’s Degree in Political Science, both from Ohio University, USA. He holds a Diploma in Social Development from St. Francis Xavier University, Canada, as well as a Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He has several certificates from institutions such as London Business School, Oxford University, and Havard University in the USA.

From his Primary School days to date, Sir Banahene has been engaged in the work of the Catholic Church through the Pax Romana (IMCS) and other Youth Organizations as well as Adult Organizations such as the Laity Council. In 1983, Sir Banahene was electd the Vice President of the ill-fated World Federation of Catholic Youth (WFCY). In 2005, he was honoured with the Papal Award of Knight of St. Gregory the Grate by Pope John Paul II. He is the President of the Forum of Papal Knight and Dames in Ghana. His Experience in all these areas has enabled him become an ardent student of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.

Sir Banahene has taught in several institutions as various levels of education and has been awarded a Fellowship of UK’s reputed Society of Business Teachers. In 1992, he founded the Sankofa International, a development organization with the mandate to promote the education of Ghanaian girls/women. Many Ghanian girls and young women have benefited from Sankofa International’s Overseas and Local Scholarship Programmes.

Sir Banahene was appointed a member of FAO Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products (ACPWP), a position he held from 1997 to 2010. Sir Banahene was appointed the first Administrator of the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund). From 2009 to 2011, he was the Chief of Staff of Manhyia Palace, Kumasi. Sir Banahene is also the Board Chairman of Caritas Ghana.


Sir Professor Teye holds a BSc. (Hons) Agriculture and MSc. Meat Science, from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi in 1991and 1996 respectively. Holds a Diploma in Modern Management/Administration from the Cambridge International College, Jersey, UK in 2004 and a PhD in Meat Science and Technology from the University of Bristol, UK, in 2005. He has been a staff of the Department of Animal Science, University for Development Studies (UDS) Tamale since 1996 and rose through the ranks of a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor. Positions held in UDS includes: Head of Department, Animal Science, 2005 to 2008; Dean of Faculty Agriculture, 2008 to 2012; Dean-in-charge of Nyankpala Campus, 2009 to 2012; Pro-Vice-Chancellor, 2012 to 2015 and the Vice-Chancellor, 2015 to 2022. He has over 140 scientific publications in refereed journals, conference proceedings/magazines. He attended several local and international conferences and workshops.

 He is a member of the following academic Societies; Ghana Animal Science Association, Ghana Society of Animal Production, Ghana Science Association, University Teachers Association of Ghana, Alumni of Commonwealth Scholarship Commission and a Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences

He was a member of the following Boards/Councils: Ghana Medical and Dental Council, 2011 to 2016; UDS Council 2011 to 2022; Catholic University of Ghana Council ,2017to 2022; National Council for Tertiary Education, (NCTE) Ghana 2017 to 2020 and Council for the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) 2017 to 2022.

Membership/Positions held in the Catholic Church include: a member of the Papal forum of Ghana; Chairman of the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP) of Our Lady of Annunciation, (OLA), Catholic Cathedral Tamale, 2007 to 2017;  Chairman, Laity Council, OLA Catholic Cathedral Parish Tamale 2009 to 201; Member, Pastoral Council for the OLA Catholic Cathedral Parish, Tamale2009 to 2015; Laity Council Chairman for the Tamale Archdioceses of the Catholic Church (TALC) 2011 to 2016; National Vice President and Northern Provisional President SSVP, Ghana.


Clara is a lawyer with a multidisciplinary background. She is Lecturer at the University of Ghana School of Law as well as Lecturer in the Legal and Policy Aspects of Migration at the University of Ghana Centre for Migration Studies. Clara is also a consultant with considerable experience in legal and regulatory frameworks, institutional assessment and policy analysis. She is Chairperson of the Constitutional Review Consultative Committee, Vice-Chair of the Network of Legal Experts on migration in West and Central Africa, Vice Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the Centre for Democratic Development, (CDD Ghana), Head of Chambers at Kasser Law Firm, and Member of the Public Interest and Accountability Committee where she is the Chairperson of the Legal Sub-Committee.

Clara graduated at the top of her class and is a recipient of the prestigious John Mensah Sarbah Prize given to the best overall (all round) graduating lawyer, and the best student in the law of taxation in 2009. She was chosen by the Campaign for Female Education (Camfed), an international non- governmental organization as its role model for its Career and Entrepreneurship Fair organized for young women in March 2010. She is currently editorial member of the Legon Journal of International Affairs and Diplomacy among others.

Clara contributes to legal education, political and institutional development through several engagements with the media and the Ghana Revenue Authority on relevant national issues. She has earned the respect and trust of the public, (including members of the judiciary, the Ghana Bar, other public and private institutions and the general public) who openly praise her in- depth knowledge of the law, and professionalism. Many consider her an inspiration.


Professor Gordon A. Awandare is a Professor of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology and the Pro Vice-Chancellor responsible for Academic and Students Affairs at University of Ghana.  He is also the Founding Director of the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP), University of Ghana. Professor Awandare is currently the Board Chairman for the University of Ghana Enterprises Limited (UGEL) and is currently the Foundation Chairman of the Governing Council of the CK Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences in Navrongo, where he is also Chairman of the University’s Finance Committee. He has previously served on the Governing Council of the University of Development Studies, Tamale, where he was also the Chairman of the University’s Audit Report Implementing Committee. Gordon Awandare is a member of the Advisory Board of Yemaachi Biotec, a biotechnology company in Accra, and a member of the Foundation Governing Board of the National Vaccine Institute of Ghana. Professor Awandare serves on numerous prestigious international boards and committees.

He obtained his BSc Biochemistry and MPhil Biochemistry degrees from the University of Ghana, and a PhD in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He did his postdoctoral fellowship at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Maryland. He led the establishment of WACCBIP as one of the World Bank’s African Centres of Excellence.  Subsequently WACCBIP has provided fellowships to over 350 scientists from 15 African countries for Masters, doctoral and postdoctoral training. 

He is a Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Royal Society of Biology, UK, and a recipient of the Royal Society Pfizer award 2015.


Helen Yitah is a professor and scholar of literature and cultural studies in the Department of English, University of Ghana (UG). Born in Navrongo, her close connection and experience with the social context, the people and their culture fuelled her interest in research on her native Kasena-Nankana traditions, as well in written Ghanaian, African and children’s literature. She has supported education initiatives through her work with UG, with schools in Ghana and in the US, and with organisations such as Mmofra Foundation, Mmaasem Foundation and the African Poetry Initiative.

She is a former Head of Department; the founding Head of the University of Ghana-Carnegie Writing Centre, established through her initiative; and Head of the Writing Support Unit at the UG Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation (CTLI). In 2019, she became the first female full professor of English at the University of Ghana. She is currently the Dean of the School of Languages, UG.


Madam Clothilda Corine Amenga-Etego